helping find your next adventure

Shred Lightly is a web app that allows users to search mountain bike trails by city. Each user search will query the trailAPI using a 50 mile radius of the city center's latitude and longitude- powered by the Google Maps API. Search results are DOM-rendered using Bootstrap5 Card Groups. Key features within the card allow users to jump to for detailed information and to render maps specific to their trail selection. This map feature is powered by Google Maps Embed API, again using the latitude and longitude of from the user's selection. The Shred Lightly tech-stack includes: javaScript, HTML, CSS and the Bootstrap5 library. Learn more about the dev team below.



Full Stack Developer

Kristen served as project manager in which she managed the git-work-flow, assisted with project conceptualization, researched API viability, built javaScript functionality and features- focusing on UX, and spearheaded the design and styling.



Full Stack Developer

Eugene made the initial project pitch to the team. He then further conceptualized, researched API viability, built javaScript functionality and features - focusing on DOM manipulation, and assisted with design and styling.



Full Stack Developer

Yvonne assisted with project conceptualization, researched open-source image assets and took the lead in developing an "About Us" page, where she and the team ensured design standards were carried through.